Tag — 2011
"Form Ulassa to Ulassai and back" a novel by Carlo A. Borghi with the extraordinay contribution of V. Angius, G. Casalis
Film - Almost Married
Fatma, a young Turkish photographer living in Italy, goes back to his family’s house, after running away some years before, and face his father to tell him she wants to marry an Italian boy. Through Fatma’s journey we’ll go deep into the women’s world in a contemporary Turkey, and through...
Film - Magna Istria
Documentary of a voyage to Istria in search of an old Istrian recipe. Francesca, a young woman from Turin who is the grandaughter of Istrian exiles, has lost her grandmother’s recipe book that includes, among other entries, a now impossible- to-find recipe for “The Crisp Castle”. Hence she...
Cantamos - Laboratorio sul documentario
During the festival Nicola Contini and Laura Lai held the workshop introduction to the documentary "Cantamos." The school children of Ulassai have learned the basics of the language and practice of cinema, thus approaching the documentary genre, the fundamental theme of the festival. During the...
Pride - Agorà
A film by Alejandro Amenábar. Cast: Rachel Weisz, Max Minghella, Oscar Isaac, Ashraf Barhom, Michael Lonsdale. - Spain 2009.
Gluttony - Babettes gæstebud
A film by Gabriel Axel. Cast: Bibi Andersson, Stéphane Audran, Jarl Kulle, Lisbeth Movin, Bendt Rothe - Danmark 1987.
Film - This is My Land...Hebron
Hebron is a disputed site, dominated by hatred and violence. In 1968, after the Six-Day War and Israel’s overwhelming military victory, a group of 30 Israeli settlers decided to move to the city to regain what they consider an important part of the Promised Land. Considered a holy city for the...
Film - La repubblica delle trombe
Gvozden Rosic, chief of a small orchestra in a small rural village in the heart of Serbia trains for the hugest brass competition in Europe. Used to launch the attacks in the wartime, the trumpet lost its military significance to become an emotional part of the life of Serbian people; it is...
FuoriClasse Competiotion
Even in Ulassai, Visionaria proposes the Competition Fuoriclasse. A selection of short films by Sardinian authors or have to issue Sardinia, which were submitted to the judgment of the young critics of school Ulassai.
Greed - Mon meilleur ami
A film by Patrice Leconte. Cast: Daniel Auteuil, Dany Boon, Julie Gayet, Julie Durand, Jacques Mathou. - France 2006.
Wrath - Old Boy
Un film di Chan-wook Park. Cast: Choi Min-sik, Ji-tae Yu, Hye-jeong Kang, Dae-han Ji, Dal-su Oh. - South Corea 2003.
Film - La baia dei lupi
The ruination continues. Italian and foreign chemical industries and refineries build plants in the bay of Priolo Siracusa, an ancient site on the Mediterranean. In post-war Sicily, the passage from a rural economy to the new industrial system promises development and affluence, but very soon the...
Film - Il futuro del mondo passa da qui
In an Autumn day, on a bridge in the outskirts of my town, I took a photograph. At each shot that place revealed some details more, giving the feeling that something in there was breathing and pulsing, hidden from the rest of the world. Angelo, Gerardo and the other farmers, claim their ownership...
Paesaggi di famiglia
By Nicola Contini and with the support ISRE (Istituto Etnografico della Sardegna), Paesaggi di Famiglia is the space within dell'Ulassai Film Festival to collect movies dell'Ogliastra of the population, to investigate the relationship between private story public through old documents and videos....
Lust - Lust
Un film di Ang Lee. Cast: Tony Leung, Wei Tang, Joan Chen, Lee-Hom Wang, Chung Hua Tou - Cina, USA 2007
Sloth - Elephant
A film by Gus Van Sant. Cast: Eric Deulen, Alex Frost, Elias McConnell, Timothy Bottoms, Matt Malloy, John Robinson, Jordan Taylor, Carrie Finklea, Nicole George. USA 2003.
UFF - Ulassai Film Festival
Visionary moves in Sardinia for the 1st International Festival of the documentary. From 22 to 26 March 2011 in Ulassai.
Film - Oil
The Sarroch pole is today one of the gratest industrial areas in Europe. Its origins lie in the development of SARAS rafinery in this area at the beginning fo the 1960’s, thanks to the acute intuition of Angelo Moratti, who generated growth and development in the whole territory from the...
Film - Heart quake
Shpresa is a native of Kosovo. She’s 26 years old and has 5 children. This is the first time she’s ever been outside her country. Shpetim, her youngest son, has a serious heart problem. His only hope lies in a hospital in Milano, Italy. While his mother awaits his release from the hospital by...
Film - Il canto scaltro
Villages around Cagliari, summer. Like every year, little more than a dozen of “Cantadoris” are ready to meet a tight schedule of poetry competitions, part of the religious festivals. I “cantadoris” are true idols of the language and culture of Sardinia. They give evidence of their...
7 film per 7 peccati
"Seven films for seven deadly sins," the film festival organized in Monteroni d'Arbia Monteroni together Visionaria and Monteroni d'Arte Every Tuesday from 10 of Jenuary to 21 of February at the Supercinema (free admission).
Envy - Black Swan
A film by Darren Aronofsky. Cast: Natalie Portman, Vincent Cassel, Mila Kunis, Barbara Hershey, Winona Ryder - USA 2010.