Visions in movement 2018
Art residency for young directors A chair-less cinema school: 30 days to complete our project
Italian independent cinema and special evenings at the eighth edition of FuoriFuoco (Out Of Focus), the estival leading cinema in the streets of Siena province. We will be in San Gimignano, Castelnuovo Berardenga, Monteriggioni, Castellina Scalo Siena.
Dances, images and reflections on history, policies and actions
European Year for Development - EYD 2015
7 film per 7 peccati
"Seven films for seven deadly sins," the film festival organized in Monteroni d'Arbia Monteroni together Visionaria and Monteroni d'Arte Every Tuesday from 10 of Jenuary to 21 of February at the Supercinema (free admission).
Visioni in Movimento - Trieste/Aquileia
A new edition of "Visioni in movimento", the special artistic residence for young authors and directors made up of training and production. 30 days to realize your project. Send the report by February 2nd.
FuoriFuoco2017 - Crazy desire
FuoriFuoco is back! The independent cinema review that runs the square in the province of Siena. The "Crazy desire" of cinema.
Ciack si Manara - I film del desiderio
The exhibition curated by Visionary in the exhibition "Le stanze del desiderio", dedicated to the cartoonist Milo Manara. Next eros comics the one of the films, with six major film that told the eroticism on the big screen.
Visioni in movimento
“Visioni in movimento”, the contemporary tale of Via Francigena. Art Residency for young authors and directors. Training programmes for authors and production of the winning projects. 40 days to implement the project. Projects must be sent by 30th June 2017.
Residenze Universali
A new project Visionaria's project together with the Regional Agency for the Right to Education. We propose Italian independent Cinema within the spaces of the University Residences Tuscany (5 to 12 September)
Cineterra is the festival dedicated to the environment. Screenings, meetings and discussions at Supercinema Monteroni d'Arbia, on 28 and 29 November 2012.
The first edition of Fuori Fuoco, the exhibition of Visionaria dedicated to the young Italian cinema. Fuori Fuoco born here, in September 2008 in Siena, with the collaboration of Europa 51, and with the desire to see the new Italian cinema, to know his characters, his stories, but also to talk...
Food&Water 2017
International Short Film Festival on Sustainability, 2nd edition. 22 may 2017, Santa Chiara Lab, Siena
FuoriFuoco 2014 – Through the looking-glass
Now come back the Italian independent film festival in the streets of the Province of Siena. Appointment on 17th and 18th August in Castelnuovo Berardenga (Pianella) and on 19th and 21th August in Monteriggioni (Castellina Scalo)
UFF - Ulassai Film Festival
Visionary moves in Sardinia for the 1st International Festival of the documentary. From 22 to 26 March 2011 in Ulassai.