Tag — 2012
Twenty years of Visionaria. A moment to remember for the International Film Festival which celebrates its twentieth year with a full program of events dedicated to the cinema of the real. From 14 to 21 April 2012 in Piombino, great guests, moments of reflection and high quality film will frame...
Fuoriclasse, Italian Panorama
The Prize Fuoriclasse - Italian View was founded in 2006 and is awarded by the children of higschool of Piombino, for a short film from the Italian production in recent years. The young critics are invited to vote for their favorite film and give a written judgment. The best reviews are read...
Visionaria has celebrated her 20 years of festival's editions, with Daniele Vicari, that had presented his last film "Diaz. Cleen Up Do this Blood." At the end of the projection Vicari has met the public and has participated in a talk show with the critics Fabio Canessa, Claudio Carabba,...
Course of film language
The Visionaria Festival each year, offers a course on Introduction to the language of film to the secondary schools' children of Piombino. In 2012 the course was coordinated by Francesca Lenzi e Marco Formaioni. In addition, the Tuscan director Francesco Falaschi held a workshop within the course.
Non chiamarmi terremoto
by Beba Gabanelli (2010, 30’) cast: Federica Faccia, Luciana Littizzetto, Ivano Marescotti, Mara Redeghieri, Vito.
Vision Art - Visual Arts in motion, is the section of the Visionaria Festival dedicated to video art, audiovisual research and experimentation. Was founded in 2007 and provides for the selection of 10 international works that are rated by visitors assigning the Vision Art Prize. Selection of...
Nema problema. Jugoslavia twenty years ago
Twenty years after the outbreak of war in the Balkans, Visionary Film Festival in 2012 has rekindled the spotlight on one of the pages forget the recent history of the Old Continent. Reflection on the conflict of the former Yugoslavia has been devoted, in fact, the day Tuesday, April 17th with...
International competition
The International Competition is held every year at the Visionaria International Film Fest and partecipate about twenty short films from around the world who compete for Gran Visionario Award and the Grand Jury Prize. The first prize is given by the audience to indicate your preferences in...
Nanook of the North
Tribute to the first documentary in the history of cinema which in 2012 celebrated the 90th anniversary, with live musical accompaniment of the Trio Cine Musique.
FuoriFuoco04 - Intro
Fourth edition of Fuori Fuoco, Indicare le stelle. From 21th to 29th Augusto 2012 in Province of Siena
Each year the Visionaria Festival hosts a panel of experts that assigns to short films of International Competition, the Grand Jury Prize.
Daniele Vicari's cinema
In cooperation with Officine Cineclub Piombino, the exhibition "Daniele Vicari's cinema", hosted all the films of the director, projected before the submission of the last film, "Diaz. Do not clean up this blood," screened in the presence of the director.
Déjà Made/Ready Vu
Déjà Made/Ready Vu. The contemporary art's exhibition curated by Nicola Cecchelli inside the ancient Palazzo Appiani in Piombino.
Cineterra is the festival dedicated to the environment. Screenings, meetings and discussions at Supercinema Monteroni d'Arbia, on 28 and 29 November 2012.
Ciack si Manara - I film del desiderio
The exhibition curated by Visionary in the exhibition "Le stanze del desiderio", dedicated to the cartoonist Milo Manara. Next eros comics the one of the films, with six major film that told the eroticism on the big screen.