international film festival
Quality time with the family

Quality time with the family

Quality time with the family
Another special event of the edition of 2009, was the video installation "Quality time with the family" by the canadian artist Owen Eric Wood.

In this video installation, Owen Eric Wood explores identity through genealogy by recreating his particular experience of eating dinner with his family. A staged dining table is set and all the family members are replaced by television monitors playing looped videos of them eating a meal. The artist joins the scene by sitting at the table and eating with his virtual family with a natural composure as though they are actually there. Fully concentrated on the experience at hand, he seems unaware of the artificial situation he has constructed Feelings of alienation and isolation are expressed through the disconnection created between the artist and his family, and also between the artist and the viewer.

Owen Eric Wood is an interdisciplinary artist based in Montreal, Canada. His recent work merges video, performance and sculptural elements to create new forms of communication through the interaction of different artistic media. He manipulates self portraits and  documented footage to put personal narratives in context with universal subject matter, such as human relationships, identity and family. Wood’s work has exhibited as such international art forums as the European Media Art Festival, the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival in Germany and the Festival du Nouveau Cinema in Canada. His video works are distributed by Videographe, based in Montreal.
Owen Eric Wood's web site



Visionaria Associazione culturale, Siena (Italy) —
P.I.: 00983060526 - C.F.: 92027160529