Cesare Gigli
Comes from Siena. He’s the son of Silvio Gigli a very popular pioneer of the radio and television anchor. Among the TV programs he directed and still directs we find Seratissima with Pippo Baudo (1993); Domenica In (1999, 2000); Sanremo Giovani with Pippo Baudo(2002); L’armata rossa in Vaticano (2005); Ice Gala World (2005); La nostra storia per i 25 anni della Nazionale Cantanti (2006); Apocalypse with Gianfranco Funari (2007); Ballando con le stelle for Rai 1 with Milly Carlucci (from 2004 to 2007). He took part to “L’altra domenica” and to “Speciale per me: ovvero meno siamo meglio stiamo”, Renzo Arbore’s programms (2005) in the role of anchor. He worked a san actor in some of the Renzo Arbore’s movies “Il Pap’occhio” e “FF.SS cioè che mi hai portato a fare sopra a Posillipo se non mi vuoi più bene?”. He realized some video clips as well.

Andrea Camerini
He received his artistic baptism in 1991 drawing comics for Il Vernacoliere that’s a genial condensation of satire and profanity in Livorno style: since then he’s never stopped accelerating. Besides The Troio, the symbol of youth indolence that became one of the idols of the Vernacoliere’s aficionados, Camerini is the curator of the column Cacciucco or “a big soup” of political satire and burlesque interaction with its supporters. Cartoonist, comic strips drawer, theatrical author, short films director: Camerini is today all of it. In 2003 he was author and director of some humoristic short films inside the program Era Ora (It was hard time to) of Odeon TV: those short films are conceived as profane readings of memorable cinema masterpieces (Breivàrt, Sciàining, Dràgola just to quote some of them). His short film can be seen on the website www. grezzofilm.com which in two years time and with its more than one hundred contacts has been considered a media phenomenon. In June 2007 the collection “Grezzofilm- The most stupid short films in history” was off, distributed by Cecchi Gori. Those short films have been showed on television on Rai 3, while the feature film “L’Ulissea” on Sky circuit. In 2007 he arrived to Crozza Italia and to Strisca la Notizia and recently as author for Radio 101.
(from: Paolo Morelli's article)

Pino Modica
A lot of his works which require the interaction with an unaware audience are using the light as a marker of the signs left from the daily life giving a “different” vision of what we generally find stereotyped or meaningless. After the personal exhibitions Rilevamenti estetici in 1985 at the Lascala gallery in Rome, Infrangenze (1989) at the Casoli Studio in Milan and Bersagli (1990) at the Alice gallery in Rome, during the same year he participated to the section Aperto of the “XLIV Biennale of Venezia”. In 1991 he participated to Anni Novanta the international exhibition cured by R. Barilli at the “Galleria d’Arte Moderna” in Bologna. In 1991 he made Buono di prenotazione d’acquisto del 1991, a work centered on the determination process of the object-find and strongly linked to the social issues of immigration. He made many exhibitions abroad, in China, in the United States, in Spain and particularly in France where he made a personal exhibition at the “Gallerie de Paris” in 1990 and he has exhibited his works at the Contemporary Art museum of Guerigny and at the museum “de la Villette” in Paris in 1992. In 1995 he exhibited at Pino Casagrande’s gallery the work ”Lavoro a regola d’arte” where some lockers containing personal belongings of workers put in redundancy are represented. Thanks to the interest of the Foreign Office he exhibited his works in important Italian art exhibitions as “Dal Futurismo al Laser” at Virreina Palace in Barcelona and at Kunstforum in Berlin between 2001 and 2002. In 2000 he created the work “Interni” with video installations coming from private apartments which analyses realistically and in advance the problems later showed in “The Big Brother”. In 2005 at the gallery “Senza Titolo” in Rome he createdthe work “Carichi Sospesi” where a set of lighted upPlexiglas sheets highlights the marks left on their work from different artisans. In 2008 he made the exhibition “Impact Effect” at the gallery Altri Lavori In Corso with a set of bulletproof glass sheets shot with different gauge weapons and subsequently lighted up.

Curzio Maltese
Was born in Milan and he grew up in Sesto San Giovanni, the formerc Stalingrad of Italy. As a boy, after a period spent between the factory and the “radio libere” (free radios) he realizes he has a marked preference for the journalism. He has been a reporter for “La Notte”, then for the “Gazzetta dello Sport”, since 1986 he has been a correspondent for “La Stampa” and since 1995 a columnist for “La Repubblica”. He wrote about legal issues, sport, advertising, show business and politics. Then he realized they were became one thing.

Fabio Canessa
Bborn in Piombino in 1962, he has a liberal arts degree in taken at the University of Pisa, he is Italian and Latin teacher at the secondary school Giosué Carducci in Piombino. He writes for several newspapers about cinema and literature. He organises and coordinates trainings for secondary school teachers, he supported many activities in the film clubs and in the libraries. He participated to TV shows of Vittorio Sgarbi and Renzo Arbore. Recently he took care of the literary part of the Turin exhibition about “Il Male” and he has written about football and philosophy on the last issue of “Linea Bianca”.