The interactivity is the focal point of this wondering amongst the short films: we will ask the replies to the stimulus proposed, to hear their voices, to know what they really do ask to see. In this optic, to the students is given the possibility to express their preference, through a voting and a motivation, that will determine contemporarily the winner of the Special Fuoriclasse Prize and his motivation, chosen amongst the ones proposed by the students. In this occasion we will open the doors of our archives, proposing a selection, of the highest quality composed by the winners of the past editions and of the works that have been done and have as protagonists adolescents, youngsters, the future. We thank the teachers and the schools that have participated with the greatest enthusiasm to this project, convinced like us and sometimes more than us that, sawing our seeds in the right way, in the future they will all be champions.

Fuoriclasse, Italian Panorama

Two screenings of one and a half hour dedicated to the kids of the secondary schools in Piombino: to create a didactic path articulated within the various languages of the audiovisual creativity; to make the youngest know the potentialities and the diversity of experimenting; to show the power and the fun of the non homologation of the dominant structures, as sometimes TV is; to stimulate freedom of thoughts and critical sprit; to take them out of the classrooms an take some fresh air, again. The interactivity is the focal point of this wondering amongst the short films: we will ask the replies to the stimulus proposed, to hear their voices, to know what they really do ask to see. In this optic, to the students is given the possibility to express their preference, through a voting and a motivation, that will determine contemporarily the winner of the Special Fuoriclasse Prize and his motivation, chosen amongst the ones proposed by the students.
In this occasion we will open the doors of our archives, proposing a selection, of the highest quality composed by the winners of the past editions and of the works that have been done and have as protagonists adolescents, youngsters, the future. We thank the teachers and the schools that have participated with the greatest enthusiasm to this project, convinced like us and sometimes more than us that, sawing our seeds in the right way, in the future they will all be champions.
In this occasion we will open the doors of our archives, proposing a selection, of the highest quality composed by the winners of the past editions and of the works that have been done and have as protagonists adolescents, youngsters, the future. We thank the teachers and the schools that have participated with the greatest enthusiasm to this project, convinced like us and sometimes more than us that, sawing our seeds in the right way, in the future they will all be champions.

Durch das Warten wachsen
Ingo Schiller (Germany, 2005)

Tine Hermine Botts
Annika Friedmann, Juliane Richter, Nele Rojek, Astrid Scjeibe, Cana Yilmaz (Germany, 2004)

L'uovo del giorno dopo
I.T.I. Leonardo Da Vinci Gruppo Produzione Video (Italy, 2006)

Alright love
Samuli Valkama (Finland, 2004)

Tim Tom
Christel Pougeoise, Romain Segaud (France, 2002)

Soldaditos de latòn
Gabriel Velasquez (Spain, 2001)

Kostantin Bronzit (Russia, 2003)

Il diario dei salti
Renato Gagliano, Alberto MAsi, Davide Pernicano (Italy, 2005)

Simone Lecca (Italy, 2001)

Symphonie pour un repas
Antony Fayada (France, 1998)

Un'ora di straordinario
Michele Bia, Geremia Capriuoli, Francesco Ferrante (Italy, 2001)