LU_CIA: Collettivo Immagini Appese, is born in Lucca in July 2001 as the redational group of the “Libro Bianco G8” (G8 White Book), which task was to collect the witnessings of the people from Lucca in Genova. Composed of a number of people with different personalities , the group has entrepreined the study of communication and free information.On the site we read Lu_cia: Lu_cia is to look well into happenings. Lu_cia wants to give indications and useful instruments in order to understand how the preception of reality is being created throug the official media, and which are the possible alternatives interfacing the local facts with the global ones. Inform on information giving voice to topics of social and common interest is the aim of Lu_cia – Lu_cia is therefore engaged in different activities amongst which there is also the organization of an annual event that takes place in summer time at the circolo culturale il Mattaccio in Capannori (LU). The event, at its fourth edition, is called FuoriFrequenza and represent a environment of reflections and confrontations on ethic-social themes, by means of the screening of videodocumentaries (not on circuit or even censured by the official channels) and thems to be developed with the authors, journalists or experts. With the same spirit di Lu_cia wants to propose for teh second time some of the soireès of FuoriFrequenza in collaboration with Visionaria International Video Festival
- 8th November 2006, Santa Maria della Scala, Siena
Invisibili by Tania Pedroni
Flexibility, mobility, precariousness, availability to the risk: these are the keywords of the new capitalism that are dramatically changing the contemporary work scene. And the individuals? In this new flexible world, in which everything is “short term”, more and more fragmented and fleeting, how do the individuals change? How do they adjust? At what price? Stories of women – of lives – that become flexible and often remain invisible.
- 9th November 2006, Santa Maria della Scala, Siena
Ni Coupable, Ni Victime by Sexyshock

Bruxelles, Octobre 2005 : sex male and female workers from all Europe meet to discuss together, share things, make plans, contrive networks. Three intense days to talk about sex work, migration, human rights, the extraordinary occasion to create an European declaration of the rights of those who work for the sex industry: a Manifesto that discloses the problems and desires of sex workers, main issue of the European political debate to prevent them from banalization, criminalization, victimizing. Fragments of these words and these desires are gathered in “Ni coupable, ni victime”: a soft video box immersed in the tulle and in the confusion of the conference, a discrete camera to which challenges and unfortunate events of being “sex worker” in Europe today are told; the repressive policy and the resisting strategy that everyone carries out to continue doing his/her own job. Desires and plans for the future pass through the words of the protagonists, from activity, construction of relationships, visibility. Special guests: Scarlot Harlot & Wonder Bra.
- 10th November 2006, Santa Maria della Scala, Siena
Souvenire Srebrenica by Roberta Biagiarelli, Luca Rosini

Why speaking about Bosnia Herzegovina again after 10 years from the massacre? From not such a long time the Balkan are in the last places of the hierarchy of the news. If I had followed in an a-critic way the journalist’s interests I should not have shooted this movie. Instead the “Srebrenica case” took me and made me anger at the same time. I understood it was not over. In the catastrophe of the 40.000 inhabitants of the protected enclave, I was reading a betraying, a story of unpunished criminals and innocent victims, the story of a avoidable massacre.