international film festival
Competition announcement 2015

Competition announcement 2015

Competition announcement 2015
The 24th of May 2015 is the one-hundredth anniversary of Italy’s entry into the First World War. This commemoration, together with the story of the pertinent events, values, ideas and heritage, will be the focus of the 2015 edition (the 22nd) of the Visionaria International Film Festival.

The theme of the 2015 festival: borders
The aim is not to stage a rhetorical celebration of the centennial, but to tell the multifaceted story of what really happened, using different languages and approaches. Our reasoning will revolve around a word which was fundamental for that time and which accompanied and characterised the Great War: borders. 



Prize money

Euro 3.000,00



Deadline for the contest

31 July 2015



The dates of the 2015 Festival

The Festival will take place from the 8th to the 17th of October 2015, in Castelnuovo Berardenga (Siena).





International competition (22nd edition) 


This is the historical section of our festival, for which short fiction films, documentaries, docu-fiction films and cartoons can be presented. There is no set theme and it is possible to submit shorts in any language, as long as they are subtitled in English or Italian.


Shorts on the theme of “Borders”.


Borders as a recurring motif of the First World War, a century ago: a border war, but also a historical moment of crossing borders and contact between peoples, ideas and cultures that were to give life to Europe as it is today, with no more borders. Visionaria asks authors for their opinion on the word “borders”, which can be interpreted freely.


Vision Art, visual arts in motion (8th edition)


The section is reserved for works of video art, digital experimentation, computer animation, etc. The theme is free and authors can express themselves in whatever way they like. The works selected will be included in an exhibition at the 2015 Festival.


Siena University award special section

The Earth can live without us, as it has for billions of years. It is we who cannot live without the Earth” (Leonardo Boff)

The enterprise lies not in imagining an alternative development, but in imagining development alternatives” (Eduardo Gudynas).

The award is open to international shorts in both fiction and documentation categories, on the theme “Food and water”, lasting a maximum of 15 minutes.

The winning short will receive a cash prize of € 1,000.00. 

The winner will be announced on Thursday, 27th of August 2015 at the Auditorium of the Italy Pavilion at Expo 2015 in Milan. The awards ceremony and screening of the films selected will take place during the event promoted by Siena University, leader of SDSN Mediterranean (Sustainable Development Solutions Network), and organised by Visionaria.



Method of participation

To register your work for Visionaria, it is necessary to use the free platform, FilmFreeway, which can be found at the following link: (open the page)



For more information, visit at the page on the 2015 competition. The registration will only be valid if all the fields on FilmFreeway are filled in, paying adequate attention to ensure that the images uploaded are of good quality and the texts are complete.

The registration procedure will be complete upon receipt of the file of the films by the author. The file in MP4, H264, HD 1280x720 or 1920x1080 format, can be sent:

— on any data storage medium (CD, DVD, SD, usb key, etc... – The storage media will not be returned) by post to:

Film Festival Visionaria
c/o Mediateca di Siena
Santa Maria della Scala
Piazza Duomo 2
53100 Siena (Italy)

— via internet through a link for downloading from a space belonging to the author (Dropbox, Vimeo, etc.);

Participation in the various sections is open to everyone and free of charge.


Participation in the 22nd edition of Film Festival Visionaria 2015 is FREE and open to everyone.

The videos registered for the competition must have a maximum duration of 15 (fifteen) minutes, including the credits. Otherwise they will be disqualified. The duration of videos for the Documentary category is longer, i.e. 20 (twenty) minutes.

Works containing gratuitous violence and pornography will be disqualified at the organisers’ discretion.

A special Selection Committee will choose the finalists, which will be examined by the Visionaria Judging Panel and put to Audience vote (Gran Visionario Award). 

The Visionaria Judging Panel may, at its discretion and in agreement with the Selection Committee, decide not to assign awards or to assign special awards. 

The prize for the 10 “Vision Art” winning shorts will be a screening in an exhibition which will be open for the entire duration of the festival and, later, at Siena Media Library, at the Museum of Santa Maria della Scala in Siena.

The results of the selections of all the sections will be announced on the website

The winners will be notified via e-mail. The winners will be invited as unpaying guests for the final evening.

The organisers are excluded from participation in the competition. The organisers, while taking the utmost care in keeping the films, decline all responsibility for any damages, loss or accident.  

The authors are responsible, also in relation to the people and subjects portrayed, for the content of their works. 

Participation in the competition implicates the complete acceptance of these regulations.

The authors, in registering for the competition, accept that their films will be deposited at Siena Media Library and destined exclusively for purposes of study and conservation and used in events organised by Visionaria and the Media Library, excluding all commercial purposes.


For any info:



—Produced by
Associazione Culturale Visionaria


—In collaboration with
Comune di Castelnuovo Berardenga
Università di Siena


Visionaria Associazione culturale, Siena (Italy) —
P.I.: 00983060526 - C.F.: 92027160529