The Euroforum Florence Association was founded in March 1996 and has been operating since 1997 on the initiative of a few leading personalities active in the community, with diverse cultural backgrounds
but with common European-focused interests. To get acquainted with and reflect upon the transformations taking place in the European Union; on the consequences of these transformations at the level of civil, political, social and economic rightsobligations for European citizens. To reinforce a common European identity within the diversity of multiple cultures. To stimulate citizens to participate more actively in the European debate.
Who we are: EFYC is a group of young people from different countries strongly dedicated to providing young people with the knowledge they need to access the myriad of means and instruments offered by the European Community to enable them to contribute to the success of Europe in any field of life. To foster comprehension and interaction between the various nationalities and cultures is, from EFYC’s point of view, the best way to make Europe a more dynamic and united ‘home’, where discussing common interests and issues concerning the member states is a priority for all citizens. EFYC is composed of: Tommaso Bendinelli, Francesca de Larderel, Maddalena Fossombroni, Jelena Ilic, Luisa Marconi, Eleonora Nucci, Luca Screti, Maria Screti, Giulia Ricci, Gergana Yaneva. Origins and Goals: EFYC was founded in 2004 on the occasion of the signing of the European Constitution and shares with Euroforum the objective of informing people from all social and cultural backgrounds about the European integration process. Special Prize Euroforum Firenze: Since 2005 EFYC has been particularly interested into prison-related issues and especially in problems concerning ex-prisoners’ reintegration in society. This starting point brought up the idea to show and to debate about the worlds inside and outside jail and their relations with authorities and institutions. The audiovisual medium short film appeared to EFYC as the ideal instrument for expressing one’s feelings, describing situations, telling a story or penetrating a reality like prison life with its shades and – often - darkness.
film on competition

Affetti by Art Rock Cafè (Italy 2005)

Avanzi di galera by Art Rock Cafè (Italy 2005)

Colori a metà by Nicola di Grazia (Italy 2004)

Insider by Alastair Pirrie (UK 2006)

Mort a l'ecran by Alexis Ferrebeuf (France, 2005)

Persone detenute by Associazione la Fraternità (Italy, 2005)