international film festival
Jurors and speakers

Jurors and speakers

Jurors and speakers
Franco Corleone - speaker

Franco Corleone - speaker

(Milano 1946). He graduated in Political Science at Milan State University. He was a deputy at eigth and nineth legislature/parliament, the member of the Justice Commission and he participated in debate for approval of Legge Gozzini and dissociation law. He was a Senator in the tenth legislature/ parliament and member of the Justice Commission. He participated in the creation and implementation of a number of initiatives, including promotion of a cognitive survey on ‘gold prisons’. As a deputy in the thirteenth legislature/parliament he had a role of Justice undersecretary (1996-2001) and he was in charge of justice regarding minors and prisons. At that time he gave an important contribution to the definition and approval of the New Policy for the execution of punishments edited by the General Manager of the Penitentiary Administration Sandro Margara. As a govern representative he has followed the procedure of many laws on jail system and here we mention the one about the incompatibility between prison and HIV illness, the one on the prisoners who have children, the Smuraglia Law on the prisoners’ work, the Simeone-Saraceni Law and the one on the penitentiary sanity. He is currently the president of the Association Forum Droghe. He wrote a lot of essays and articles on the theme of justice and rights: Giustizia senza fine (1998, Stampa Alternativa) e La Giustizia come metafora (2002, Edizioni Menabò).

Luca Screti - jury

Luca Screti - jury

(Florence 1977). He is going to graduate in Psicology at the University of Florence. He worked for Euroforum Firenze from 2001 to 2004 as manager and promoter of events regarding the ongoing changes in European Community. He has always shown a great interest to social issues as shown during the working years at Euroforum and he still continues giving his fundamental contribution to the EF activities as a volunteer member of Euroforum Youth Committee. He is currently working in the Human Resources office searching and selecting people on behalf of Polimoda Firenze (International Institute of Fashion design and Marketing). A strong believe that the audio-visual instruments can be effective to the circulation of important and complex social issues is a distinguishing feature of his personality.

Ana Maria Dona Novoa - jury

Ana Maria Dona Novoa - jury

Graduated in Psychology in Santiago del Cile in 1983 at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica, starting her professional activities in clinic psychology applied to the school specializing in psychotherapy. In 1985 she goes to live in Florence with the family and in 1989 graduates in Psychology at the Università La Sapienza Roma; collaborates at the creation of the Centre “la Famiglia” in Scandicci as trainer of the volunteers who participate to the activities of the centre for the people who require psychotherapeutic assistance. In 1994 participates to the selection of the specialists psychologists for the Amministrazione Penitenziaria of the Regione Toscana ad since 1995 she works at the Prima Casa Circondariale in Sollicciano in Florence, for the diverse psicology services offered to the people in jail, mainly to the drug and alcohol addicts. Since 2000 she participates, in Sollicciano, to a project for the people who have psychological problems. Member of the official national Psychologist association since 1993 with the licence to administrate psychotherapy, she also carries out her professional counselling as clinicpsychotherapist on her own.

Simone Petricci - jury

Simone Petricci - jury

(Siena 1968). Free lance journalist, he has collaborated with the chair of Cinema History and Criticism of the Siena University for Foreigners, coordinating a number of audiovisual exercises made by the students and supporting the research and educational activities. In 1997 he published the volume Il cinema e Siena, la storia, i protagonisti, le opere which looks into all the aspects of the relationship between his natal town and the seventh art: the movies filmed in Siena, but also the activity of the film clubs, the amateur authors, the local free lance journalists, the cinemas and the university. He took care on behalf of Fedic, The Italian Federation of Film Clubs, of the study of amateur cinema and of short film produced on the 50’s and the 60’s , he took care of a Fedic authors retrospective during the third ed. of the International Short Film Festival and he was part of the jury in the national competition of the same festival in 2005. He is still part of the editorial staff and promoter of the Fedic official magazine “Carte di Cinema”, he wrote many essays and articles of historical approach on the magazine referring to the activities of Cineguf, of cultural film clubs, of less important or forgotten amateur film-makers operating in 30’s- 40’s and he conducted a research on the pioneers of Brazilian silent films with Italian origin. He has been part of the town council of Siena since 2001, he has been part of the Cultural Commission of Siena town council during 2001-2006 legislation.

Lucia Re - meeting and jury

Lucia Re - meeting and jury

(Firenze, 1975). Ricercatrice in Filosofia del diritto presso la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza dell’Università di Firenze. Ha conseguito il Dottorato di ricerca in Giustizia costituzionale e diritti fondamentali presso l’Università di Pisa e il Diplôme d’Études Approfondies (DEA) in studi politici presso l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales di Parigi. I suoi principali interessi riguardano la filosofia e la sociologia della pena. Redattrice di Jura gentium (Centro per la filosofia del diritto internazionale e la politica globale). Membro del comitato scientifico dell’Altro diritto (Centro di documentazione su carcere marginalità e devianza). Fa parte della redazione della rivista “Studi sulla questione criminale. Nuova serie di Dei delitti e delle pene”. Ha tenuto corsi seminariali presso le facoltà di Giurisprudenza ed Economia dell’Università di Firenze (2000-2006), presso il Master di Sciences Politiques dell’Università di Tunisi El Manar (2005) e presso il Maestrado em direitos humanos dell’Università Federale del Paraiba (Brasile, 2006). Nell’anno accademico 2006-2007 ha ottenuto l’affidamento del Corso di Politica della globalizzazione presso la facoltà di Economia dell’Università di Firenze. Fra le sue pubblicazioni: A. de Tocqueville, Scritti penitenziari, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2002 e Carcere e globalizzazione. Il boom penitenziario negli Stati Uniti e in Europa, Laterza, 2006.



Judge since 1958. He always worked in civil and penal matters and particularly has been a penal judge for the Ravenna law court from 1961 till 1965 and then in law court in Florence. In both cases he has worked also as surveillance judge in order to control the punishment execution. From 1976 till 1980 he was president of the surveillance section and surveillance judge in Bologna. From 1980 till 1997 was president of the surveillance section and surveillance judge in Florence. In 1997 he has been nominated General Manager of the administration penitentiary department. More recently he participated to the work of the National Conference on the Drug Addictions in Palermo and contributed to the preparation of the national conference in Naples in 1997. He has also contributed to the preparation of passed laws or now in discussion as for example the law so called “c.d Simeone”, or the law relating the prisoners who have children. He edited also part of the law regarding work facilitation for the prisoners; particularly he managed a work group of the Michelucci Foundation of Florence which has proposed a reform of the prisoner’s psychiatric hospitals then presented as a project in Parliament by the Tuscany region. He recently edited an article about the penitentiary situation from the Reform on in the review “Il Ponte” n 7/9 of 1995 (Memoria di trenta anni di galera: un dibattito spento, un dibattito acceso) e and a contribution in the book Il vaso di Pandora: carcere e pena dopo le riforme (col titolo Le parole, le cose e le pietose bugie).
EMILIO SANTORO - meeting and jury
(Parma 1963). He is a professor in Law Philosophy at the Law University of Florence. He got the PhD in Political and Social Sciences at the European Institute of Florence. He has been Visiting Fellow at the  of East Anglia. In 1997 has made the documentation centre “L’altro diritto” dedicated to the social emargination of the prisoners and the deviancy in prison itself. Some of his publications: Carcere e società liberale, Giappichelli 1997; Libertà, autonomia, diritti. Una critica dell’antropologia liberale, Ed. Ets 1999.



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P.I.: 00983060526 - C.F.: 92027160529