The Clorofilla film festival is the cinema exhibition of Festambiente, the Legambiente national festival which takes place every summer close to the Maremma Regional Park (Grosseto). When it started in 1999, the Clorofilla film festival was a travelling event within Italian parks while from 2002 it became a significant and fixed part of Festambiente. The programme of the festival consists of two main cathegories participating in the competition (short and films), documentaries, screenings of movies coming from other Italian film festivals, an area where visitors can find materials and information about events and schools of cinema. Two years ago the festival enriched itself thanks to a series of new initiatives which include theatre monologues, open-air drinks, books’ presentations. All these activities are carried out at sunset in a olive tree grove withour artificial setups and decorations.The Clorofilla film festival thanks its friends from Visionaria for the opportunity given to present some of ‘its’ short-length films dealing with social and envirnmental issues.

Come a Cassano, Pippo Mezzapesa

La lavatrice, by Mirco di Lorenzo

Sotto le foglie, by Stefano Chiodini

Immagini, by Jaime Saenz
08th November 2006, Santa Maria della Scala, Siena
19th November, Palazzo Appiani, Piombino