international film festival


Art, Resistance, Flight

Cinema and art in general could be a way of direct resistance to a regime or a war. But, art in general could also become a resistance instrument when an artist has a reason and his works are used to describe his universe, the war, a regime and often the act of narrating become an opposition instrument itself: the story is a real weapon.

In Europe, during the last years we are living the necessity to host people on the run from war and bloodthirsty regime.

Europe has to handle its borders which are fragile and sometimes even the idea of opening and crossing borders is in crisis. But we think that, despite the opening borders, there is a non comprehension of the reasons who push the refugees, sometimes it is a mental , emotional and intellectual distance, of the choices which has brought people to abandon their country.

For much people the flight is a form of Resistance because the escape from a war or a regime has, by the way, made possible the maintenance of its original culture, we can call it “art in exile”, strongly linked to the culture of origin and allowed by the escape, the physically departure from their country.

With these premises we want to dedicate the XXIII edition of Visionaria International Film Festival to art like a way of Resistance: a resistance in a conflict area and a resistance in the exile.

All the special event, near the short film contest, will be dedicated to this theme with meeting, special showing, exhibitions and workshop.

Giuseppe Gori Savellini, Artistic Director






Visionaria is realised by:


Giuseppe Gori Savellini, artistic director


Mimmo Manes, president and communication chief


Roberto Dini, vice president and techincal and audiovisual activities


Mauro Tozzi, Valentina Faleri, Elena Giovenco, Simona Pinzuti, Clio Manfredi, organization


Francesco Guasconi, showing and planning responsible


Natascia Maesi, press office


Video-art section has been selected by: Martina Marolda, Michelina Simona Eremita, Jacopo Figura.


Collaboration to the realization: Barbara Mottola, Renzo Barbetti, Duccio Barlucchi, Alfredo Cavazzoni, Francesco Polato, Peter Perinti 


With the precious collaboration of Antonella Autino, Monica Cavicchioli, Rosanna Cieri, Carolina Taddei, Nicola Berti, David Taddei, Mario Lorini, Cecilia Ferrara, Miriam Grottanelli de' Santi, Barbara Di Paola, Claudio Passiatore


Visionaria Associazione culturale, Siena (Italy) —
P.I.: 00983060526 - C.F.: 92027160529