Competition - Visionart

45 minutes
by Nishat Hossain, USA, 2016, 10:00 — This self-reflexive film documents the observation of the actor in front of the camera’s frame. The instructions given to the actor allude to Yoko Ono’s work and recalls the voyeurism, the fantasy, physicality and deconstructionism typical of Vito Acconci’s body performance work.

by Marco Acquafredda and Andrea Montagnani, Italy, 2015 8:31 — The birth of an idea: from its genesis to its development through the full realization and to the end, for a new reborn. All of it's described through shooting and narrative synthesis of unpublished paintings and sculptures made by Marco Acquafredda.

Either / Or
by Müge Yildiz, Turkey, 2016, 3:53 — An old elevator in the KVUC language school in Copenaghen is in endless repetition. The regress of the machine recalls Nietzsche’s vicious circle and the concept of anxiety developed by Kierkegaard. The journey inside the elevator together with the voice of a reader and phrases from Kierkegaard’s Either/Or recall the author’s feelings in the moment.

Left & Right
by Camila Lima , Brazil, 2015, 3:28 — It's a music video for the electronic music brazilian artist based in Berlin, Pazes. It brings out important issues such as racial and gender ones.

by Atoosa Pour Hosseini, Ireland, 2015, 3:30 — Mirage evokes a desert landscape but it is the cinematic image itself that is the mirage. Working with the material textures of Super-8 film, Mirage presents two visual planes: the captured image and the surface of the film strip itself. The relationship between these is as much one of conflict as mutual support.

Paradise, Paradise
by Max Wilde, USA, 2016, 2:06 — Nobody's left.

PNEUMA (triptyque)
by Antonello Matarazzo, Italy, 2015, 2:30 — PNEUMA investigates the threshold between immobility and transformation, highlighting the slow mutation of an ancient olive tree, represented in the detail of the trunk as opposed to analog face an old farmer.

The Golden Fish
by Tiffany Chen, Taiwan, 2016, 5:00 — The story talks about self mutilation and the state of mind of a person affected by it.It encourages people to accept themselves, no matter who we are.

Ridotto Mattioni
by Giulia Vallicelli and Luca Ferri, Italy 2016 10’ — Ridotto Mattioni is a circular urban symphony based on the work of the architect Luigi Mattioni, a leading figure in the transformation of Milan after World War II. Architectural elements alongside recursive musical elements, retracing the signs of change in the city.

Silent Masks
by Mazin M. Sherabayani, Iraq, 2016, 13’ — Lonely and isolated in a land where once was the cradle of images and sculptors, an artist is struggling to attract spectators, while commercial and popular arts are substituting the aesthetic of his true art.

Those Drawn Alive
by Jukka-Pekka Jalovaara, Finlad, 6:20 Every autumn I get heavily moody. This is caused by the loss of the light. Last summer I heard from the radio a tune called " the House of the Rising Sun ". At once I was on a wintery road, with a very low light and having an impossible opponent against me: Lee Van Cleef .

Vegetation Walk
by Anouk Chambaz and Julija Paškevičiūtė, Luxembourg, 7:20 To do list on the walk: -enter the wild vegetation -make a path, not intentional but unintentionally intentional -film -have lunch mid-way "I guess what you take away from the animality of the body you add to the beauty of the mind"