International competion

by Mahdi Fleifel, United Kingdom, 2014, 12’ — In 2010, Abu Eyad and other young Palestinian men from the Ain el-Helweh refugee camp in Lebanon traveled with smugglers through Syria and Turkey into Greece. Like so many other migrants, they came looking for a way into Europe but found themselves trapped in a country undergoing economic, political, and social collapse.

She had blonde hair
by Giorgio Salamone, France, 2016, 5'13'' — In a really cold morning, the chief of police Marguarite Gozin receive a visit of an eccentric middle-aged woman, Madame Cianciulli. The woman reveals to have killed her neighbours because she was annoyed by their sexual intercourses. But this story cause something in the cold and inflexible soul of Gozin.

by Jongkwan Paik, Repubblica di Corea, 2015, 14’ — ‘Y-Sang’ suggested a discussion about Kant, Nietzsche and Gramsci, but I didn’t know them well. I just called to mind some images related with their name. What connection does exist between the “names” and the “images” I recalled? It’s a weird diceplay about what we can name image(or film).

Sleeping Wonder
by Alberto Rizzi, Italy, 2015, 9’30’ — Virginia, a young girl, falls in a dream and makes a journey into diversity and love. A short novel of formation with dreamlike suggestions. Short movie with social theme.

All the World’s A Stage
by Hannes Rall, Germany, 2016, 1’30’’ — An animated adaptation of the famous Shakespeare poem "All The World's A Stage" narrated by the renowned Shakespeare actor and director Samuel West. The German Film Assessment Board Wiesbaden (FBW) has awarded its highest distinction "Seal of Approval: Highly Recommended" and says: "With ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE Hannes Rall has fully succeeded in creating a congenial adaptation of one of the most famous monologues from the history of theatre. A pleasure for eye and ear!"

by Giulia Rosco, italia, 2015, 10’40’’ — Matteo, a young high-school student, has to face with the problems of his family. He feels alone and he looks for the attention in a women, aged than him, that makes him really happy. However, Matteo doesn’t know the real meaning of love and he doesn’t realize that he is looking for love in a wrong way.

The bus trip
by Sarah Gampel, Sweden, 2016, 13’40’’ — Sarah is invited to show her film in Israel as part of a film festival bus trip. She is hoping for political discussions and friendship, except the conversation stops each time she brings up the occupation of Palestine. So instead, Sarah talks to her dead dad over a noisy phone line.

Dreams on sale
by Vlad Buzaianu, Romania, 2016, 9’24’’ — In a world where people are able to record, buy and sell dreams, many are starting to lose the ability of dreaming. Dreams have become a new form of art and a commodity for the rich class.

Afraid of the dark
by Øyvind Mikkelsen Saugerud, Norway, 2015, 10’11’’ — Afraid of the dark is a simple, warm‐hearted story about a fathers attempts to cure his sons fear of the dark with lights. Lights and more lights. Rather than taking his time to be with his son, giving him confidence and a feeling of safety in a scary situation, he tries to make the darkness go away by adding more lights. Although the troubles of the father may seem insignificant and unimportant in the bigger picture, it is an important reminder of something so easily forgotten; sometimes we need to see the world through the eyes of the children, and not chase the darkness away, but ready them to face it themselves.

The runner
by Justin Berardi, USA, 2016, 12’ — THE RUNNER is a short film with no dialogue about a recovering alcoholic who turns to running as a way of confronting his past and seeking a deeper, unknown purpose.

by Ali Kişlar, Turkey 2016 10'04'' Celal and his family lost lost their father. This unexpected event brings all the family together. During the funeral they realize that their grave is full of water. An unknown woman shows them another one witch is dry and Celal starts bargaining with the graveyard watchman to change the grave.

Djinn Tonic
by Domenico Guidetti, Italy 2016 14'20" — Simone, a young jobless man without ambition, desires a job. Djinn, an old and powerful genie reduced to grant wishes in a small suburban office, wants to find as many customers as possible in order to ensure as many years of life for himself. Both Simone and Djinn are escaping from a crisis, on one side a more material one, on the other an imaginative turning point.

The rice between hairs
di Alberto Vianello, Italia 2015 10' — In Florence, a young student of Spanish meets an Argentinian tourist. They become lovers. Ghosts from the past haunt the girl's present and she will have to take a decision to save her new love.

by Elena Brodach, Russia 2016 6'28" — Another naked body in her bed, asleep. A sharp lancet in her hand.

by Hannah Gautrey, United Kingdom 2016 8'13" — A group of people head to work, it's just their average 9-5 working day.

by Silvia De Gennaro, Italy 2016 5'53" — The escape of a Syrian from the horrors of his land to the best of all possible worlds.

A love story
by Anushka Kishani Naanayakkara, United Kingdom 2016 7'4" — A powerful tale of love faced with darkness.

I'm here
by David Hewitt, United Kingdom 2016 14' — A married couple's love has faded since their daughter left home and moved abroad. Does the news that she may be fatally caught in a terrorist attack strengthen or destroy their fragile relationship?

Dear Anima
by Robin Lu Shieh, Taiwan 2016 7'25" — After leaving him as a child, he painted her every day. This departure haunted him every single night, until when, she came out of a painting. His life suddently changed. "Anima" in psycology stands for the feminine element especially present in men's dreams as a symbol of love.