Tag — 2007
"The 16th video exhibition. Visionaria Festival continues to represent a huge innovative value experience. Visionaria is a prestigious window and a good occasion for new talents, productions and technologies it represents also one of the greatest festivals on European level concerning audio...
Vision Art
"Vision Art, the Visionaria section dedicated to artist videos, now at its forth edition, proves that video art, although “overused”, is still today, more than 30 years after the birth of the first videotapes, a medium able to enrich visual languages through different semantic levels."
Fuori Frequenza
The section of Visionaria dedicated to the discovery of new experiences of art and communication.
Second Life - Visionaria nella realtà virtuale
The first edition of Visionary inside Second Life. Made in collaboration with Avatarc, Visionaria was one of the first festivals in Europe to be present on one of the largest virtual platforms.
The giury that had nominated the best short film from the International Competion gave the Grand Giury Prize.
Fuoriclasse, Italian Panorama
In 2007, for the first time, Visionaria create the Fuori Classe Italian Panorama Prize, where school students Piombino to vote for their favorite short film and make a critical judgment about the movies you see in the room. Here is a selection of the first edition of this award
Corto a' la carte
The short film, which is produced every year since 2003 by Visionaria. Written with the help of the public, the film was directed by Jean-Philippe Pearson and is shot, edited and screened during the festival days.