
Fabio Canessa

Ugo Chiti

Cesare Gigli

Gianluca Nicoletti
Was born in Perugia in 1954. He is a journalist, writer and radio tv author. Editorial at the news paper “La Stampa”. At present he leads the daily broadcast “Melog” by Radio 24 Il Sole24Ore from Monday to Friday at 8.30am. The broadcast is a daily analys of the society through the media’s view.

Eugenio Cappuccio
Was born in 1961 near Latina. From 1983 to 1985 he attended the Experimental Cinematographic Centre in Rome where he graduated in screenwriting. He worked as director assistant for “Ginger and Fred” by Fellini and in 1990 he dedicated to the Master from Rimini the documentary “Toward the moon” (Verso la Luna) with Fellini himself. In 1995 his short film “The charger” (Il Caricatore) won in the section Pardi di domain of Locarno’s Festival. Two years later, he realized in cooperation with Gaudioso and Nunziata a feature film with the same title as the short film which won the Ciak d’oro as the best first work. He has directed in 2004 “Volevo solo dormirle addossso” with Giorgio Pasotti and Cristiana Capotondi and in 2006 “Uno su due” with Fabio Volo, Anita Caprioli and Ninetto Davoli.