Tag — contest
International competition
Every year Visionaria select twenty shortfilms from the international artistic scene. The Shortfilms are voted by audience, that choose the Gran Visionario Award, but also by a giury of expert, that decide the Gran Premio of the Giury. The selection of 2010:
Each year Visionaria International Film involves a giury of experts participating in the festival and vote for the best short film of the International Competition assigning the Grand Jury Prize.
Fuoriclasse, Italian Panorama
In 2007, for the first time, Visionaria create the Fuori Classe Italian Panorama Prize, where school students Piombino to vote for their favorite short film and make a critical judgment about the movies you see in the room. Here is a selection of the first edition of this award
Film - Oil
The Sarroch pole is today one of the gratest industrial areas in Europe. Its origins lie in the development of SARAS rafinery in this area at the beginning fo the 1960’s, thanks to the acute intuition of Angelo Moratti, who generated growth and development in the whole territory from the...
Film - Heart quake
Shpresa is a native of Kosovo. She’s 26 years old and has 5 children. This is the first time she’s ever been outside her country. Shpetim, her youngest son, has a serious heart problem. His only hope lies in a hospital in Milano, Italy. While his mother awaits his release from the hospital by...
A giury of important guests that of 2010, which voted the best short selection of International Selection and giving the Grand Jury Prize. Chaired by the director Pupi Avati was composed by the great actress Isa Barzizza, the critic Claudio Carabba, and the journalists and professors Francesca...
Fuoriclasse, Italian Panorama
With the Course of cinema, this is the section of the festival dedicated to young viewers called to vote for the best short film selected from the contemporary Italian art scene.
Film - Almost Married
Fatma, a young Turkish photographer living in Italy, goes back to his family’s house, after running away some years before, and face his father to tell him she wants to marry an Italian boy. Through Fatma’s journey we’ll go deep into the women’s world in a contemporary Turkey, and through...
Film - Magna Istria
Documentary of a voyage to Istria in search of an old Istrian recipe. Francesca, a young woman from Turin who is the grandaughter of Istrian exiles, has lost her grandmother’s recipe book that includes, among other entries, a now impossible- to-find recipe for “The Crisp Castle”. Hence she...
FuoriClasse Competiotion
Even in Ulassai, Visionaria proposes the Competition Fuoriclasse. A selection of short films by Sardinian authors or have to issue Sardinia, which were submitted to the judgment of the young critics of school Ulassai.
Fuoriclasse, Italian Panorama
The Prize Fuoriclasse - Italian View was founded in 2006 and is awarded by the children of higschool of Piombino, for a short film from the Italian production in recent years. The young critics are invited to vote for their favorite film and give a written judgment. The best reviews are read...
Cesare Gigli, Andrea Camerini, Pino Modica, Curzio Maltese, Fabio Canessa. That are the names of the jurors of 2008 that had voted the best shortfilm from the International Competition selection.
Fuoriclasse, Italian Panorama
Two screenings of one and a half hour dedicated to the kids of the secondary schools in Piombino: to create a didactic path articulated within the various languages of the audiovisual creativity; to make the youngest know the potentialities and the diversity of experimenting; to show the power...
Film - This is My Land...Hebron
Hebron is a disputed site, dominated by hatred and violence. In 1968, after the Six-Day War and Israel’s overwhelming military victory, a group of 30 Israeli settlers decided to move to the city to regain what they consider an important part of the Promised Land. Considered a holy city for the...
Film - La repubblica delle trombe
Gvozden Rosic, chief of a small orchestra in a small rural village in the heart of Serbia trains for the hugest brass competition in Europe. Used to launch the attacks in the wartime, the trumpet lost its military significance to become an emotional part of the life of Serbian people; it is...
International competition
12 short films from 6 different Countries, competed for the Gren Visionario Prize and the Grand Jury Prize. Here is a selection 2009:
Fuoriclasse, Italian Panorama
The section of Festival Festival for the artistic italian panorama and the young viewrs. Fuoriclasse is a competition where the studets voted the best short film.
what's it
"Euroforum Florence Day Beyond Bars! Prison life in and outside jail". The conference and the special competition about prison life as seen through the screening of six short films in competition for the Special Prize and a conference. The Theater of the Rozzi of Siena, 4th November, 2006.
Film - La baia dei lupi
The ruination continues. Italian and foreign chemical industries and refineries build plants in the bay of Priolo Siracusa, an ancient site on the Mediterranean. In post-war Sicily, the passage from a rural economy to the new industrial system promises development and affluence, but very soon the...
Film - Il canto scaltro
Villages around Cagliari, summer. Like every year, little more than a dozen of “Cantadoris” are ready to meet a tight schedule of poetry competitions, part of the religious festivals. I “cantadoris” are true idols of the language and culture of Sardinia. They give evidence of their...