Tag — premio
Each year the Visionaria Festival hosts a panel of experts that assigns to short films of International Competition, the Grand Jury Prize.
Each year Visionaria International Film involves a giury of experts participating in the festival and vote for the best short film of the International Competition assigning the Grand Jury Prize.
Second Life Special Prize
One of the firsts Film Festival in Europe, Visionaria presented in 2008 the Second Life Special Prize.
what's it
"Euroforum Florence Day Beyond Bars! Prison life in and outside jail". The conference and the special competition about prison life as seen through the screening of six short films in competition for the Special Prize and a conference. The Theater of the Rozzi of Siena, 4th November, 2006.
A giury of important guests that of 2010, which voted the best short selection of International Selection and giving the Grand Jury Prize. Chaired by the director Pupi Avati was composed by the great actress Isa Barzizza, the critic Claudio Carabba, and the journalists and professors Francesca...
Cesare Gigli, Andrea Camerini, Pino Modica, Curzio Maltese, Fabio Canessa. That are the names of the jurors of 2008 that had voted the best shortfilm from the International Competition selection.
The giury that had nominated the best short film from the International Competion gave the Grand Giury Prize.
Fuoriclasse, Italian Panorama
The section of Festival Festival for the artistic italian panorama and the young viewrs. Fuoriclasse is a competition where the studets voted the best short film.
Second Life - Visionaria nella realtà virtuale
The first edition of Visionary inside Second Life. Made in collaboration with Avatarc, Visionaria was one of the first festivals in Europe to be present on one of the largest virtual platforms.
Fuoriclasse, Italian Panorama
Two screenings of one and a half hour dedicated to the kids of the secondary schools in Piombino: to create a didactic path articulated within the various languages of the audiovisual creativity; to make the youngest know the potentialities and the diversity of experimenting; to show the power...