Tag — shortfilm
Fuoriclasse, Italian Panorama
The Prize Fuoriclasse - Italian View was founded in 2006 and is awarded by the children of higschool of Piombino, for a short film from the Italian production in recent years. The young critics are invited to vote for their favorite film and give a written judgment. The best reviews are read...
Each year Visionaria International Film involves a giury of experts participating in the festival and vote for the best short film of the International Competition assigning the Grand Jury Prize.
Second Life Special Prize
One of the firsts Film Festival in Europe, Visionaria presented in 2008 the Second Life Special Prize.
The giury that had nominated the best short film from the International Competion gave the Grand Giury Prize.
Second Life - Visionaria nella realtà virtuale
The first edition of Visionary inside Second Life. Made in collaboration with Avatarc, Visionaria was one of the first festivals in Europe to be present on one of the largest virtual platforms.
Piancastagnaio, Teatro Comunale
28th October 2006, Theatre of Piancastagnaio and 40th Festa of Crastatone
Fuoriclasse, Italian Panorama
With the Course of cinema, this is the section of the festival dedicated to young viewers called to vote for the best short film selected from the contemporary Italian art scene.
Mario Monicelli
The last work of the great Mario Monicelli, the short film "Vicino al Colosseo... c'è Monti" was screened at the Festival Visionaria soon after its presentation at the Venice Film Festival 2008. Tribute to the father of Italian comedy, the screening took place on October 4 at the Metropolitan...
Fuoriclasse, Italian Panorama
In 2007, for the first time, Visionaria create the Fuori Classe Italian Panorama Prize, where school students Piombino to vote for their favorite short film and make a critical judgment about the movies you see in the room. Here is a selection of the first edition of this award
Visionary joins the dots. Between Siena and Piombino, one Festival for many places that, from 25 October to 25 November 2006, are been stages for projections, meetings, workshops and many other events.
Fuori Frequenza
In conjunction with the collective Lu_cia, Fuori Frequenza is the section of Visionaria dedicated to the discovery of new experiences of art and communication. Screenings, meetings and reading directly from the underground art.
PROGR 01 - Vrnitev 2. di Topolò
“To all Topolònauts close and far for next Stazione di Topolò-Postaja Topolove’s edition we have in mind a project that we feel important. VRNITEV It’s about making a 60 seconds (1minute) video piece in which you can visualize a “come back” (vrnitev, that is). Thus stopping a memory,...
From 16th to 23th october 2012, Visionaria International Film Festival celebrate the edition number 19. Here is the complete program:
Cesare Gigli, Andrea Camerini, Pino Modica, Curzio Maltese, Fabio Canessa. That are the names of the jurors of 2008 that had voted the best shortfilm from the International Competition selection.
"The 16th video exhibition. Visionaria Festival continues to represent a huge innovative value experience. Visionaria is a prestigious window and a good occasion for new talents, productions and technologies it represents also one of the greatest festivals on European level concerning audio...
what's it
"Euroforum Florence Day Beyond Bars! Prison life in and outside jail". The conference and the special competition about prison life as seen through the screening of six short films in competition for the Special Prize and a conference. The Theater of the Rozzi of Siena, 4th November, 2006.
PROGR 02 - Vrnitev 2. Stazione di Topolò
Second day of screening of the VERNITEV, the returns seen by the eyes of more than 100 artists.
International competition
12 short films from 6 different Countries, competed for the Gren Visionario Prize and the Grand Jury Prize. Here is a selection 2009:
Fuoriclasse, Italian Panorama
The section of Festival Festival for the artistic italian panorama and the young viewrs. Fuoriclasse is a competition where the studets voted the best short film.
Fuori Frequenza
The section of Visionaria dedicated to the discovery of new experiences of art and communication.
PROGR 03 - Clorofilla Film Festival
Screenings of four short films, borrowed from the selection Festambiente, the ecological festival that takes place every year in the province of Grosseto.